Jason W Blair

Jason W Blair

Brockway Books
Author, Graphic Designer and Voice Artist

Bellefonte, Pennsylvania

Member Since:
June 2017
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jason

Jason Wayne Blair was born on Friday, October 2, 1981, the third son of Herbert Wayne Blair and Ruth Ann Blair. He grew up in the rural town of Bellefonte, Pennsylvania in the heart of Centre County. It was said that he had a clipboard and a stack of short stories fused to his hand growing up as he was rarely seen without them, even during school hours. In 2012, Jason began his professional writing career with the short story, “Sammy Reynolds for Mayor” and independently published it through Amazon’s digital print subsidiary, CreateSpace.

However, it wasn’t until the release of his second book, “Desperate Shadows” on December 17, 2014 that he was taken seriously as a professional budding author. Following that success, Jason went on to write an additional four novels, the latest of which, entitled “The Legend of All Things Unwanted”, is an original Irish folklore surrounding a sinister thief lord and a magical realm where mankind’s forgotten treasures are locked away forever.

Life was never easy for Jason and he has overcome countless obstacles to achieve his longtime goal of being taken seriously as a writer. He had no friends growing up, apart from those that he created with pen and paper, and when he turned eighteen, Jason faced numerous bouts of homelessness, spousal abuse, and a death threat. However, like many of his readers, Jason remains in awe that he has survived it all. He believes that despite all the troubles he has endured, his life has a larger purpose, and he gives due credit to a higher power.

“I’m not a victim,” Jason says. “I’m a survivor. A lot has happened to me in my lifetime, and I have made a lot of mistakes along the way. However, it only by the strength of God that I am still alive, that I have found my soulmate, my dream job, and have a story to share that I pray will bring hope and joy to everyone that believes their life has no meaning. Every life matters if you persevere, dream big, and believe in the one who gave you life.”

Unique traits: Sorry y'all, but I am toothless, but not without charm and a killer smile!



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