Kimmie Easley

Kimmie Easley

Wine Worthy Romance
Author, Screenwriter, Assistant Director, Editor, Filmmaker and Publisher

Longview, Texas

Member Since:
June 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Kimmie

Kimmie is an International Bestselling author who grew up traveling the country, rarely settling in one place for much longer than a minute. Being no stranger to heartache, she allows her unconventional childhood to fuel her writing.

As a bisexual woman, Kimmie is a proud activist within the LGBTQ / Rainbow and mental health communities. She is a homeschool momma, southern wife, and pug wrangler. Kimmie is addicted to all things books, wine, cupcakes, and flip-flops.

Kimmie can be found somewhere in the south writing wine worthy stories.
The Terrebonne Parish Shifters Series, The Jaded Series, Executioners MC Series, Tasting Series, and coming soon - Romance Bitches serial.

*** I am in the process of seeking representation for my 30-minute spec pilot, Southern Belles, intended for TV14. I am also working on writing an adaptation of the inspired by true-life novel Souls Set Free..




  • Southern Belles

    Southern Belles Drama Comedy A bestselling stripper, a bisexual mental health counselor, and a ditzy art teacher learn to lean on their new, middle-aged roommates as they each buck the traditional southern norms of conservative East Texas.

  • Chickadee

    Chickadee Biography Drama Chickadee is a true-story, drama about an abuse survivor who must fight through her own mental illness when she sets out on a road trip to identify the body of her murdered abuser, her homeless mother.

  • Romance Bitches

    Romance Bitches Romance Comedy Drama West Hollywood sex blogger accidentally lands lucrative book deal, forcing her out from behind the computer and thrusting her into the world of best selling erotica author.

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