Art is a necessity of my being, a reformulation of my vital energy. It is as if I had a channel that takes energy from the art and that channel must always be open.
Actress began her training in the venetian school "Theater a l'Avogaria" with the study of the "Commedia dell'Arte" to continue her studies at the free "Academy of Arts" in Rome, directed by Nino Scardina and Lorenzo Artale where she studied the method Stanislavskij. Continues her qualification doing theater workshops conducted by Mamadou Dioume of Cèchov, Shakespeare and Molière and Augusto Omolù dances on "Orixàs". Working at the theater company "L'Officina del Teatro" (which is also a member) directed by Valentina Marcialis, which is based in the " Theater Arvalia" of Rome. As other experiences, working in documentaries, short films and commercials.
Becomes a dancer with the company Murga SinConTrullo running performances for schools, Emergency, Greenpeace, Festival Intermundi, street theater, anti-violence centers, Museum Explora Rome, Carnival in Rome and Scampia.
Is formed as a entertainment organiser for children, working on entertainment activities in various events