Les Turner

Les Turner

Creative Core Productions
Music Composer, Musician, Producer, Sound Editor, Sound Mixer and Playwright

Detroit, Michigan

Member Since:
August 2014
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Les

Born and raised in Detroit Michigan. Self-taught musician song writer and composer. Self taught animator.
As a child I didn't see my father very often but when I did it wasn't always pleasant. I was raised by my grandparents for the majority of my childhood life so I didn't see my mother much also. I thank god for my grandparents. If it were not for them, I may not be here today. I didn't get to spend much time with my parents like most kids. Even though my father was not in my life most of the time to give advice on life and how to be man, there was one thing I can remember him telling me, "No man is an island". A t the time I was too young to understand what he meant. It wasn't until I became a young man that the words my father said to me would have such a profound meaning. I am that man. I am that island.
30 plus years later, four sons and a wife of 26 years, I still stand alone. I costantly feel like it's just me against the world.
I am a very talented person and I feel my talents are going to waste. Self-taught in many areas such as music compsition, animation, script writing, idealist ect. I would've loved to have worked with someone or to work a partner who also would have ideas and goals . I just don't have any connections with others I could work with, others I could trade ideas with. It's just me and has always been just me.
I'm beginning to think that my time has passed me by and that the opportunity that young people have today just didn't exist when I was growing up.
I can't help but find myself breaking down and crying when noone is around. I'm just about ready to give up. My grandmother is approaching 100 yrs in age and I don't know how much time she has left with us. She has outlived my grandfather, my mother, my father, who was her only son and she's even outlived my brother. For years I have been wanting to make her proud of me and my accomplishments but now I'm not sure if that will happen in her lifetime.





  • WWW.

    WWW. Crime Horror Thriller You will never let your kids out of your sight.

  • On Deaf Ears

    On Deaf Ears Thriller Detective Morgan must stop a psychotic serial killer who seeks his victims via the internet but in his attempts he finds that there's a much larger conspiracy than first thought meanwhile fighting the demons of his own past he discovers a horrific truth about his own past.

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