I have a completed screenplay Witchwars registered with WGA ,but it needs some serious work. Two half written screenplays in first draft: Pandora's Box and The Fairy King. One completed novel PROTECTED (written as Mari Hunter) a novel and screenplay WIP Titled Twin Flames. I have mountains of ideas for new stories some strong some weak. I also have Advanced Marketing diploma as back up for selling my scripts and novels when self publishing. I am actively searching for agent and am also open to collaborations.
Unique traits: If I don't know something or I am struggling to do something I either teach myself ,take a course or get help. I have no shame I will ask anyone for help if it means getting the job done.I can be a bit impatient, like informally just laying a logline or pitch but if asked formally it will be done correctly and in correct format. I never give up...
Witchwars Action ⋄ Fantasy In desperation they propelled their children into the future, combined with all their parents magic that they might take on and defeat Icaris. First they have to master their skills, time as ticking as the Witchwar has begun....
Witchwars Fantasy No Logline....First ten pages of First draft, registered 2008 with WGA, it is in it's third draft and that is registered 2011.
Shine Music Born in the poorest part of the city,with a voice like an angel, she is picked to be in the top 10 on America's Got Talent. On route to the show she is involved in a terrible accident. Whilst in hospital she gains the interest of a dying diva. She not only has to struggle to learn to walk again but with the Diva's help struggle to learn to sing again. I was thinking of Donna Summer as the Diva, Donna died in 2012 of lung cancer.
by Poem published in Christian Anthology of Poems
by Won first prize in Shutter and Shooter National Short Story Competition
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