Jack Bybee

Jack Bybee

Author, Editor, Screenwriter and Researcher

Tucson, Arizona

Member Since:
January 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Jack

  • After 46 years in publishing (technical book-selling) in South Africa (Juta's Bookshops) Cape Town, in Atlanta, and at NYU (New York City) I am now the author of The Journal of Rudd (1897 - 1903) [JoR] and screenplay adaptation of the ms.

    * A technical writer and editor for many years, as I was writing the manuscript, a little voice deep inside, kept niggling - "There's a movie in this... there's a movie..." Now? Now I truly believe there is a movie in the Journal of Rudd.

    * A near-death experiencer [NDEr] {1972) I use my insight to bring a metaphysical twist to the screenplay.

    * Published regularly a monthly computer book review column in Computer Shopper, then Computer Monthly magazines.

    * Technical magazine articles led directly to technical writing for 22 years.

    * Attaining B.A. Creative Writing has led to historical fiction, and The Journal of Rudd.

Unique traits: Near-death Experiencer (NDEr); Technical writer; Author, historical-fiction; Screenwriter adapting The Journal of Rudd; artist (oil, ink, pastel). Immigrant from apartheid South Africa (1982), US Citizen.




  • The Journal of Rudd (1897 - 1903) The Movie.

    The Journal of Rudd (1897 - 1903) The Movie. Independent Historical The Journal of Rudd – 1897 to 1903 For Anyone who has Stood Alone - Entirely Alone - on a Foreign Shore - and Survived.(Kidnapped... from Iowa to Africa.)In 1897, Frank, 17, ran away from a farm in Iowa to find a relative; shanghaied on the Barbary Coast, in 1903 after numerous drama at sea, and ashore, he rescues Lady Sarah Churchill, aunt of Sir Winston, during the Siege of Mafeking in South Africa. What occurs in-between is revealed in the Journal of Rudd. This incomplete hero's quest details the main character never returning to his home community, and not receiving acclaim for his heroism. Written, in the first person, as a journal, this script now completes the hero's journey.


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