Robert Woods

Robert Woods

Self-Employed Actor

North Hollywood, Los Angeles County, California

Member Since:
October 2012
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Robert

Starred in over fifty films, to date...
Born in Denver, Colorado in 1936, (as Donald Eugene Leblow) and placed in an orphanage, called 'The Colorado Home For Abused & Abandoned Children' by his single teen aged mother, Doris, who was unable to provide for him.
Adopted, at ten months old, by Robert and Elouise Woods. Raised initially on a ranch near Great Divide Colorado, he was ultimately brought to Boulder, where he attended Boulder High School.
Toward the end of the Korean Campaign, joined the Navy and served for nearly four years, from the beginning of 1954 until mid 1957, was honorably discharged, then attended San Diego State College.
Went to Hollywood in 1962, then to New York. Studied acting in New York with Boris Marshalov and worked briefly at the famed 'Circle In The Square', before traveling to Paris in 1963, to work in 'The American Theater', on the Quay D'Orsey.
While doing an adaptation of Chekhov's 'Seagull', in Paris, he was seen by Spanish producer Alfonso Balcazar who requested him to fly to Barcelona, Spain to do a screen test for a Western film. Robert, originally a Colorado cowboy, passed it with flying colors and subsequently signed a contract to work as a leading actor in five more Western features.
He began this stage of his career in 1964, starring in a film entitled, "Five Thousand Dollars on the Ace". It was the first 'Western' done at the newly constructed 'Balcazar Studios' in Barcelona and though it was not the first to be done in Europe... It was the first ever 'EuroWestern' to be sold to the illusive American market (MGM- 1964). "Five Thousand Dollars on the Ace" historically became the unheralded grandfather of the genre, currently known as the 'Spaghetti Western'. Shortly after its successful sale and release, Clint Eastwood arrived in Italy and Spain to begin filming Sergio Leone's "Fist Full Of Dollars"(1965). His break-through Spaghetti Western was also purchased by MGM and 'Europe's Golden Age Of Cinema' had officially begun. During that period, Clint became the most popular icon on the planet and Robert was blessed with the good fortune to travel all over the World to star in over fifty International features, most of them Westerns, before returning to America...
To bring this bio up to date: Last year (2014), Mr. Woods did a role in Los Angeles in a film called, "Threshold". Shortly afterward, he was flown to Italy to star in a romantic and uplifting feature entitled "Romanzo Calabrese", which was filmed in Morano Calabria and Rome. Immediately after the 'Calabrese' film was wrapped, he returned to America to do a featured role in the wonderfully cinematic, eclectic "Of Fortune and Gold , a modern Western, filmed at the Grand Canyon, The Mojave Desert and Los Angeles.
Robert is currently preparing to film "The Resurrection Of El Puro", a sequel to an Internationally popular 'cult' Western, entitled "El Puro" that he starred in, in his youth. It is scheduled to be filmed in Almeria, Spain in October (2015). A trailer (teaser) for "The Resurrection Of El Puro" has already been filmed and is up on the internet on facebook. It was shot at the end of 2013, when the famed Almeria Annual Western Film Festival brought him to Spain to honor him for his body of work.
For more information, key into: Actor Robert Woods (Battle Of The Bulge) on:
Wikipedia - IMDb - IMDb pro - facebook - spaghettiwesterndatabase - spaghettiwesternhalloffame - (inducted 2011) - actorrobertwoodsfanpage/youtube - and various other internet sites and search engines.

Unique traits: He considers his 'unique traits' more like fun hobbies...He is an expert fly-fisherman, a horseman and a gourmet chef... Other than that, he's been blessed to be an old actor who has been young for a very, very long time...



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