Since discovering my new addiction, I find anyplace is a good place to write, like in the late hours rolling down the road on a tour bus when all the others are fast asleep in their bunks.
Over the last year I have written a full length feature screenplay that is being shopped (fingers crossed), and a 20 min short scifi TV pilot. My first novel, Volume I of an epic Science Fiction trilogy (118,000 words) is at the copy editor, almost ready to publish! With about 14 more short stories, screenplays, and Volume II of the SciFi series well on its way ... I feel like I'm exploding with ideas now
The God Code Sci-fi Beings of great intelligence have an addiction to knowledge ... and without wisdom, their naive understanding of truth can turn deadly.
The Path of Redemption Drama
DramaLogue Critic Awards for original music composition. Los Angeles theater production of The Subject was Roses. Director Myrl A. Schreibman.