Warren Brown

Warren Brown

Author, Content Creator, Publisher and Researcher

London, England

Member Since:
June 2015
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Warren

Warren is an Author who has written in several genres from fiction to non-fiction. Warren is a certified Life Coach and Hypnotherapist. Warren is also interested in social media management, blogging, affiliate marketing, movies, reading fiction, non-fiction and superhero comics. Warren completed his Advertising and Copywriting training through American Writers and Artists Inc. (AWAI).
I love writing fiction. I have also published a book of seventy-five poems, titled “Lady of the Sea and other Poems.” This is a collection of poems on a variety of subjects from Elvis to the History of London. Warren is the winner of the "Henry Louis Vivian Derozio Poetry Award," 2004.
I have written and published my first debut novel, “Travelman”, which is available on Amazon. This book is about the power of the unconscious mind to enable anyone to travel beyond time and space. The mind is the most powerful and dynamic tool available to mankind.
I am now working on a novella series. I have been an Indie publisher for over five years now. I have been writing and publishing on the web since 1993.
I spent my early years in India and I now live in London with my wife.
Time with friends is something which I enjoy doing, as is watching a great movie at the weekend.
Warren believes in Miracles and the Power of the Individual to make a Positive difference in the world today. 

Unique traits: Enjoy writing, blogging, publishing, copy-writing, art and research. Love to watch movies, read comics and non-fiction books on psychology and marketing.



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