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Transylvania- Pilot- first 5 minutes Horror inspired from "Dracula" by Tod Browning and following the line of prequels set nowadays a la "Bates Motel" and "Hannibal", Transylvania talks about a relationship who becomes more and more morbid until it flows into madness
Transylvania Horror Transylvania, wrote by Agnese Pagliarani, is a show loosely based on the character of Prince Vlad III of Valachia and draws, modifying it, the vampire imaginary from Polidori to nowadays.Mainly inspired by Tod Browning’s Dracula (1931), that is based by a 1927 play, Transylvania examine in depth the theme of the relation between Master and Servant and the issue of the loss if identity through a complex dynamic of seduction, hallucinations and childhood traumas, a various psychological glimpse that brings the main character into madness.Vlad’s wives in this series are an integral part of the story, important for tracing Renfield’s path to psychological subjection and subsequent madness.Gothic atmosphere and an investigative structure makes the serial interesting for people from 14 to 55 years old.
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