Member Since:
October 2015
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> 2 weeks ago
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About Christopher

I had to come to terms with the fact that I am a friendly guy. My genres of choice are faith and family friendly.

This epiphany came into fruition when my first screenplay, TIES THAT BIND, placed as a finalist in the 8th annual Kairos Prize for Spiritually Uplifting Screenplays, and later in the top 100 of the 2013 Emerging Screenwriters Screenplay Competition.

Since then, I have written THREADS, a modern day Western faith and family friendly drama TV pilot and SUPER NORMAL, a web series comedy.

Currently, I am collaborating on a novel and a short for Virtual Reality. I am also working with a local director creating shorts for contests. My hope is to connect with like-minded people, hone and focus my career.






    THREADS Drama Western Forced from the megachurch he founded, a humbled pastor is given a second chance when asked to lead a cowboy church in a small west Texas town—the hometown his wife swore to never return.

  • Ties That Bind

    Ties That Bind Budget: $100K - $1M | Drama Western A young man separates from his corrupt family to forge his own future. He realizes destiny is inescapablewhen this torturous journey leads to his estranged father. 



  • Ties That Bind, Best Screenplay Content 19 Film Fest and Media Summit

  • Ties That Bind, Best Faith Based Screenplay The Wild Bunch Film Festival

  • Threads, Best Screenplay TV Pilot Content 19 Film Fest and Media Summit

  • Threads, Best Long Form TV Pilot The Wild Bunch Film Festival

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