Member Since:
January 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About David

After playing in several rock bands during the eighties and early nineties, at the end of the 90’s begins to compose sporadically incidental music for stage and short films. Multi-intrumental composer for film and theater.



  • Nocturnal

    Nocturnal (2018)
    Film Composer

  • Libby

    Libby (2015)
    Film (Short, Horror and Mystery) Composer Libby, a nine year old girl, has recurring nightmares. Trying to help her out, give her Nicholas, a new friend who will be the trigger of an unexpected end.

  • Poder e impotencia, un drama en 3 actos

    Poder e impotencia, un drama en 3 actos (2014)
    Film (Documentary) Soundtrack Fernando Lugo, the bishop of the poor, won the 2008 presidential elections in Paraguay. After 61 years of hegemony by the Colorado Party and by the dictator Stroessner, this unexpected victory came as a political miracle. But politics is not for saints and the dream turns into a nightmare. Power and Impotence tells the utopia of political change: the adventure of common men accessing power to try and challenge the system from within. In a political thriller settled in stranger-than-fiction Paraguay, we follow their hopes and disappointments from a unique behind-the-scene point of view, until the tragic ending. An uncommon film, an authentic modern Shakespearean drama about power. Written by Anonymous

  • Todo es Verdad

    Todo es Verdad (2014)
    Film (Short and Horror) Soundtrack Add a Plot »

  • Sájara

    Sájara (2013)
    Film (Short, Comedy and Family) Composer Jaime and Lucia have to tell something important to their daughter. However she comes up together with her boyfriend and an unexpected surprise.

  • Imagina si

    Imagina si (2012)
    Film (Short and Action) Composer Add a Plot »

  • Sade

    Sade (2012)
    Television (Action, Crime and Thriller) Composer A man will sacrifice everything to take revenge on a sadistic murderer.

  • A los que gritan

    A los que gritan (2011)
    Film (Short and Drama) Composer Add a Plot »

  • Jauja

    Jauja (2010)
    Film (Short and Drama) Composer Add a Plot »

  • Aversion

    Aversion (2009)
    Film (Horror) Soundtrack Aversion is an action-packed tale of a private investigator who discovers too late that the woman who he's hired to possessed by a demon.

  • El viaje al paraíso

    El viaje al paraíso (2008)
    Film (Short and Drama) Music department Add a Plot »

  • Loop

    Loop (2007)
    Film (Short) Composer Add a Plot »

  • Té y café

    Té y café (2005)
    Video (Short and Comedy) Composer Add a Plot »

  • Vértices

    Vértices (2004)
    Film (Drama and Short) Composer Add a Plot »




  • CEV Madrid

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