Born in Scotland and raised in Canada, I came to the US on the back of Nortel Networks in 1996. I’ve worked in public relations, employee relations, marketing communications, project and account management, tech writing, customer service, content strategy, and management. I’ve also been a photographer, movie-maker, Apple Store dude, and a website builder.
Ten years ago I left Raleigh, NC, to marry Jackie. Since then we’ve lived near Washington DC, Saint Louis MO, Dayton Ohio, back in Raleigh, then Nova Scotia Canada, and now back to North Carolina.
I've worked on one movie with a cast of a thousand newbies of which I was one! A great learning experience. Still photographer, writer, and a fledgling short video producer for YouTube and Vimeo.
Maybe someday I'll get the hang of it... ! :)
by RenRaw Productions
lighting, camera, editing, asst. directing
Washington School of Photography