My name is Fife Stuart. I was born and raised in Bristol, England. I have always been involved with acting. Through all my school life and even now there is something empowering about telling the story and portraying the character’s personality and their life.
I enjoy stage and screen acting and am very interested in physical theatre. I hope to get more into films, independent or features and love being a member of a theatre company to tour shows. I am developing my skills at writing, singing and directing.
The first time I decided to be an actor was confirmed in various ways but the most vivid memory of this decision was when I was very young, watching old school movies like “it’s a wonderful life” starring Jimmy Stuart, “the adventures of Robin Hood” starring Errol Flinn and those badass cowboy movies of John Wayne. Because of the themes of these movies I‘ve continually associated a sense
of nobility and honour with acting. Each acting project is an adventure of stretching boundaries and defying the impossible. Therefore each, no matter how big or important, creates inside me those
feelings emulated from those movies and reminds me of the fun times me and my family would have watching them.
I remember looking around at my family, they were talking and laughing with one another, while watching these films that have always brought our family together, to laugh and enjoy one another’s company. As I looked around and relished these times the thought of being an actor would in some way provide my family and uplifting other families with that entertainment and unity. I looked around and said silently to myself “I want to be an actor”. I didn’t know what it would take and how much effort it required but my little self determined a clear decision that I wanted to be an actor. I think that I associated the word actor with saviour or hero, no doubt associated with my heroes in those movies. But from then on, for a long time, whenever asked, automatically I would always say I wanted to be an actor.
My time studying drama and theatre at secondary school prepared me for studies in theatre and film at Alevel. During college I began to understand theatre as an art form and fell in love with all aspects of it. I went to Bristol old Vic young company which helped me see how to be a professional actor and developed my skills for me to become a confident performer. Within this time I also attended traveling lights Theatre Company.
On a foundation degree I was able to pursue acting more professionally and understand where my strengths and weaknesses lie in my skills as an artist. While studying on this course I came to believe the theatre is a sanctuary where everyone involved can be entertained and become edified together. The feeling of being in a theatre company is nothing like I’ve experienced anywhere else. The comradely and unity have got me through some of my darkness times. For a long time it was an escape a place to relieve the stress and energy I had and channel it to create.
It’s been tough becoming an actor but there will never be a stage that I think I’m done with it or reach an optimum level of skill. It’s kept me alive and is my life. Therefore I work hard, striving to be the first person there and the last to leave. I think that’s what sets me apart I’m will to work harder. I’m passionate about what I do because I love it.