Frankie De Leonardis

Frankie De Leonardis


Barcelona, Spain

Member Since:
December 2021
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Frankie

I'm an Argentine-Italian director resident in Barcelona since 1999.

Been working for advertising and broadcast media since 1998, mainly as a director and animator, also as title designer and VFX artist. Won of several awards, including gold the NY Advertising Festival(2011) for my work in promoting the last season of the series "Lost" for Cuatro.

The promotion caused an international stir. Damon Lindelof (one of the authors of the series) called it the best Promo of LOST ever. The whole world echoed and the Promo got featured worldwide. Entertainment weekly, Los Angeles Times, New York entertainment made articles calling it the "best promo ever". It also won a BDA Promax Europe, Laus and ADCE. In cinema, worked in "Ender's Game" and "A monster calls" as an animator, and in "Matar a Dios" as opening title designer. He studied social communication in Buenos Aires for three years combined with stage design studies, leaving both careers three years later to commit fully to the audiovisual world. Amongst other courses also studied prosthetic makeup, VFX, and music.

As a cinema author and director my first work is the short film Flotando(Floating) a twilight zone type of science fiction short mixed with comedy that premiered in Sitges festival in 2018. Since then the short film has already had more than sixty international selections in festivals such as Taormina (the oldest festival in the world). Malaga, Palm Springs, HollyShorts (in the mythical Chinese theatre of Hollywood) and more than twenty awards including the " Jury Grand Prize SundanceTV " in Sundance London 2019.



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