Greg Leib is Producer/Chief Financial Officer of KillerBeam Entertainment. Greg started as an investment banker in Chicago for Bear Stearns in 1974, then moved to San Francisco in 1985 and worked with many high-profile firms such as LF Rothschild, Drexel Burnham and Shearson/American Express as an investment banker and stockbroker. In 1989, he left the world of investment banking and managed his portfolio by depositing money into mutual savings which gave you the option to buy if they went public at below book value.
In 1998 Greg started Ticker Technologies and , a private company that owns and operates Market News Video and the Channel family of websites, as well as BankInvestor and ValueForum — which are known for being premier investor communities featuring stock messages boards, ratings and research, debate and discussions in forums designed from the ground up with investors in mind. They discuss stocks, trade ideas and research, post messages, read boards, find new trading and investing strategies within a private investment club community. They’ve provided software for company websites such as General Electric, and Cable Vision and video content for Forbes. In 2006, Greg and Partners created Terra FOSSIL Wines, Inc. a private label wine brand. He hired artists to help create intriguing, eye-catching packaging and a striking on-line presence through Videos and Social Media, targeting the consumer who is always connected online – the Millennial Generation.
Greg is an advocate for people recovering from strokes and has several projects in development focusing on this very topic.
(Short, Horror and Thriller)
Producer One day, while using a popular broadcasting video app, a teenage girl named Katie discovers the truth about the urban myth known as The Old Knitty. They say that if you stumble upon Knitty's live stream, and she happens to see you watching, she'll call out your name, and mark you. She will then haunt you via any electronic device you happen to own or be on, sometimes weeks at a time. Through this, she sees into your soul. Your deepest, darkest secrets revealed. Her motives, unknown. Her intent, deadly. And all the while she knits you a beautiful gift. And when she delivers that gift... you die. And she can get anyone, anywhere at anytime. Online or offline, the curse of The Old Knitty can never be stopped. Written by A. Kumpon