Member Since:
February 2014
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About Heather

I'm heather Steele , i live in crossville TN. after moving from Oswego Ny, i have been writing books and i recently started working on writing movies and i'm working on a great one right now as we speak, i'm married to the best man that i could ever know. I love sports and music i also write music as well. I'm a hard worker and i never give up on anything. I also enjoy fishing and charity work also.I'm outgoing and full of energy.

Unique traits: my smile and my creative mind and also my love of people and powerful eyes that speak to you. I also have a great heart and I'm also outgoing



  • Keely's house of dreams

    Keely's house of dreams Drama My script is about a 16 year old girl who runs away from home and gets kidnapped by what she did not know is her bf's twin brother. She got drugged up and she is in the house that she thinks that it was this dream house and it was a run down house. Her Bf. trys to save her but he gets druged and they switch places. They both get held hostage and trapped in the house with this guy. the bad guy ends up getting her preg. and she dosnt know it. The cops look all over the place for them and they ran down next door and they get caught by this little girl and she tells on them to the cops and there is this hostage scene and Keely finialy kills who she thinks is the bad guy but its her bf. well they burn the house down and run out and they go to the hospital where he beats up the dr and makes her have the baby and he kidnaps her and the baby but they get into a car wreck and they go back to the hospital after that he kills his parents and her parents as well, but she dont realize it untill the end. he goes to jail and she lives with her aunt and her aunt falls in love with the main cop and Keely gives them a hard time well she goes to school one day and The bad guy excapes from jail and comes and kidnapps her from school and the cops have a set up at her aunts house he gets arrested and put away on full lock down and she ends up finishing school and goes off to college and starts this project for only children and there parents, and her aunt and the cop get married and have a kid on the way.   That is a summery of my movie i hope you like.


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