Jamie Sowers

Jamie Sowers

Actor and Dramaturge

Los Angeles, California

Member Since:
July 2012
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
Invites sent:

About Jamie

Jamie Sowers most recently appeared as Bernadette in Raised in Captivity at STAGEStheatre in Fullerton, CA. She plays a supporting role in the independent film The Incarnation, coming soon! She has appeared in over 75 theatrical productions, born out of the musical theatre and forging her way into the classical spectrum and beyond. Jamie has studied with the Royal Shakespeare Company in conjunction with UCSB in London and Shakespeare & Company. She earned her BFA in Theatre Performance from Chapman University (Orange, CA) and her MA in Shakespeare Studies at Birmingham University's Shakespeare Institute (Stratford-upon-Avon, England).

Jamie is an EMC. She is currently seeking representation and building her film reel. Offstage/Offscreen, Jamie can be found practicing her craft in various acting workshops across the country or blogging about Shakespeare & Theatre.




  • The Incarnation

    The Incarnation (2015)
    Film (short) by Private Island Pictures / Mairin Hart Rosemarie (Supporting) The lines of reality become blurred when a young woman connects to a past life while playing piano. As she struggles to find the truth, she must fight her way through dreams, reality, the past and present. A haunting psychological thriller, The Incarnation will leave you guessing until the very end.


  • Named "Best Theatrical Ensemble" in The OC Register's "Best of 2017" for Moon Over Buffalo

  • Nominated for Outstanding Actress in a Play for her work as Priestess in Archway Studio/Theatre's Oe

  • Nominated for Best Supporting Actress for Alais in THE LION IN WINTER at WCT's Annual Hunter Awards

  • Appeared in the Westminster Abbey Award's play of the year, THE WOMEN, in which she was also nominated for Best Actress as Mary Haines

  • Named as a Best Supporting Actress for Sandra in AMERICANA at STAGEStheatre by The Examiner

  • The OC Register highlighted BEDROOM FARCE at STAGEStheatre one of the "Top 10 Shows of 2013"!

  • Appeared in Theatre Out's Broadwayworld.com award nominated EDWARD II


  • Chapman University

  • Shakespeare Institute; University of Birmingham (UK)

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