Lee Bailes

Lee Bailes

Eibon Films
Screenwriter and Filmmaker

Stockholm, Sweden

Member Since:
September 2014
Last online:
6 days ago
Invites sent:

About Lee

Lee Bailes is an award-winning English writer and filmmaker living in Stockholm Sweden.

As a screenwriter: Lee writes twisted stories about broken individuals, with hidden talents, overcoming unprecedented evils

Website Eibon Films dot co dot .uk

Predominantly a writer and producer, working in the corporate arena by day (writing e-learning courses and media), and guerilla filmmaking by night. Possessing a good practical and theoretical understanding of the entire low budget filmmaking process, who finds himself behind the camera occasionally.

Former film critic / reviewer: writing for The Rumour machine and Unrated Magazine. Predominantly into Horror, Fantasy, Sci fi and Dark Comedy

Published writer, with horror stories published in Twisted 50 Volume III, White on White: A Literary Tribute to Bauhaus, They Whispered (Comma press) and Hand of Doom: A Literatry Tribute to Black Sabbath




  • Sepulture [SHORT FILM]

    Sepulture [SHORT FILM] Horror Sci-fi A captive Man, kept against his will, tries to hold on to his humanity and survive long enough to escape his futuristic cell.


    GAS! [SHORT SCRIPT] Drama War Will a bedraggled vet be able to bring his whole troop back, retreating from the frontline, when they're subject to a mustard gas attack.


    GEEZER [SHORT SCRIPT] Action Comedy Crime A mugger attempts to step up his game to become a full-on gangster, but must first complete a test, to collect a debt, with disastrous results.


    REST IN PIECES [SHORT SCRIPT] Comedy Horror A lone, tired, survivor of the zombie apocalypse is haunted by the twitching remains of his zombie father. Desperately in need of sleep, will he be able to put his father's corpse to rest?


    IMPRINT [SHORT SCRIPT] Crime Horror Other A detective comes close to finding out, what caused a man to murder his wife and then take his own life. But will he, while investigating a curious video tape, leave an imprint?



  • Winner - Twisted 50 Volume III short horror anthology - for ON THE HOOK

  • Best Short Script - for IMPRINT - Kosice International Monthly Film Festival - February

  • Best Horror - for MR CLEAN - Kosice International Monthly Film Festival - February

  • Best Original Screenplay - for IMPRINT - Hollywood Blood Horror Festival - March

  • Best Script - for IMPRINT - Pure Magic International Film Festival - February

  • Best Script - for IMPRINT - LA Sun Fest

  • Best Unproduced Short Script - for IMPRINT - Fantastic Festival of Los Angeles

  • Best Short Horror - Independent Shorts Awards - March - for MR CLEAN

  • Best Special Makeup - for MR CLEAN - at the Indie X Film Fest June

  • Best Dark Comedy - COMFORT HIM - Hollywood Blood Horror Festival

  • Best Dark Comedy Short - COMFORT HIM - Independent Shorts Awards

  • Best Microfilm - COMFORT HIM - Independent Shorts Awards

  • Outstanding Achievement Award - Gas! - September - IndieX Film Fest

  • Best Short Screenplay - Gas! - September - Reale Film Festival

  • Best Short Script - Gas! - October - Indie Short Fest October

  • Best Narrative Short - Indiewise - for DON'T FORGET TO BREATHE

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