Hey guys. I'm an actor. I've been the game for 12 years of my 21 years of existence and I think its time to take it to the next level. Throughout the course of my not so documented career I've learned to master a large number of accents and have performed in a lot of staged performances, mostly as a lead character as compared to when I began as a background character or supporting roles. Only for the past two years have I ever done anything on film and I need to step up my hunt for a place in Hollywood. I currently moved to Russia after being enrolled in a performing arts university but in my spare time I began a serious search for talent scouts and agents for the required help I need to break into the acting industry. I have only ever acted in my home country Botswana and there isn't much exposure to actors there. Music is taken way more seriously there. If anyone knows an agent or a talent scout I can show my work to, that'd be brilliant :)