The best way to get going when you don't know what to put down in writing is just to start right where you are and keep going until it all starts making sense and yes that's free association but it's free association turned up like somebody playing the guitar or drums for the first time after a long time. I have been having plenty of ideas for the stage and concert hall, movie theater and community playhouse all of these years but I seem to always be out here on my own having little contact with anybody that I know very well until I realize that I probably meet people that I have known for a long time and it's just all of the Marshal, Sheriff and Military work that I have been doing that has made me forgetful and determined to make the world a safe place for children by threatening and intimidating the criminals to get out of here before I get really mad and whip somebody's ass and realizing that I think that's exactly what they want and I'm only turning them all on and I have to make a different approach to getting my point across to them without inflicting harm needlessly, at least not on the wrong one, because if we all had better entertainment we probably wouldn't be so cruel to one another. I am constantly reminded by what it takes to tell a good story and scenery is certainly at the top of the list but I don't want to bore anyone with the one to many scene of a man and woman beneath the stars at a local park wrapped up in one another's arms hugging and kissing the night away while the clouds in the sky pass over the moon and the light comes and goes and the heat from their breath has gotten to resemble the steam from a train locomotive because the beating of their hearts as they make their future together before returning to their high rise tower where the guards are preparing to send out the blood hounds to track them down and whip them for their escape to make love outside in the cold night air. I just don't want to do it. I have to keep producing material to turn on others because I need to eat, drink and keep warm. So I just do it. I need it. I have to. I hope you to. Best wishes.