Distribution : Around the World: The Brazilian film industry is poised to become a major force in international co-production by Geoff Hall

Geoff Hall

Around the World: The Brazilian film industry is poised to become a major force in international co-production

Here’s the ‘c’ word again, co-production and this time the focus is on Brazil.

Are you a filmmaker in Brazil? What is your take on this? Are you seeing an increase in the amount of potential co-production partners? What is the tax relief incentive like in your country? What is the distribution potential like from this festival?

“Ventana Sur is one of the highlights of our schedule, along with Cannes and Berlin,’’ says Morris Kachani, Cinema do Brasil’s executive manager. “It is the largest event of its kind in our region and it is endorsed by the Marché du Film. It is Latin America’s window to the world.”


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