Introduce Yourself : Hi, I'm producing a feature length independent comedy & would like any help (without a budget) we can get by Eric Knight

Hi, I'm producing a feature length independent comedy & would like any help (without a budget) we can get

This is a passion project that I am putting together with students from ASU and a friend who runs a local production company (use of Red Epic and all necessary equipment). If you would like to help, anything would be appreciated from fine tuning the rough draft of a screenplay we have, to cast/crew, to publicity. We do NOT have much of a budget, but intend to produce a great movie for your reel and happy to shamelessly promote you along the way to trying to sell it! This will be our "calling card" and we intend to put everything into it (we may even already have an agent attached, if the Final Draft of screenplay is EPIC). Let me know if you would like to help:

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