Introduce Yourself : Screenwriter, Author by Bev Gandara

Bev Gandara

Screenwriter, Author

I am an award-winning screenwriter who has written several screenplays and two novels. My comedy script, Rent Money won the Golden Palm Award for Best Screenplay at the 2012 Beverly Hills International Film Festival. My Five Star Favorite, debut novel Concrete Wings: A Tale of Tyranny and Freedom, earned the Literary Seal of Approval with a recommendation for school and home libraries and Honorable Mention at the 2017 New York Book Festival and the 2018 Florida Book Festival. My novel, Soaring in Silence: One Woman’s Triumph Over Fear, a psychological thriller has just been released. My next book is a compilation of interviews with a diverse group of women and focuses solely on their work lives. For more information about me and my work, visit

I’ve contributed two blogs to Stage 32, both of which were fun to write.

Have a great weekend.

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