Introduce Yourself : Hello from washington state by Debra Mae Burnham

Hello from washington state

My name is Deborah burnahm I am an author of two books November Rose and Spring Lily one day in my dream Id love to see my books come to life on the big screen. I am working on my 3rd book of the two In the shadows of a vampire. I have done extra work down in oregon state in movies . enjoyable I just loved doing this very. as a child i always wanted to be an actress. here is alittle about my two books on and Rose Maebell a 16 year old girl moving from Missouri to Oregon with her family; Ken her daddy, Josie her mama, sisters Pattie, Bettina, Maggie and brother Zachariah. Rose going to a new school; meeting her new best friend Frances; which she could not even tell her family secret to. Learning of how much we all are different; how you can hate one moment and love the other. She meets the boy in the forest, he will show Rose just how different we all can be. The eternal destiny that is to come; Journeys to other worlds; meeting ones of her own kind. Story telling of Native American legends of their beautiful places. Learning that the two worlds can together live, protect and believe the words to be told. The paths that can be crossed; and that cannot be crossed. Rose finds out that the ending is the beginning as her life changes. Becoming as one with the one she loves, how the changing will be for the good. Two is stronger than one and two will bring all together to live in harmony. I will bring you into a world that you will not want to leave. You will feel the sadness you will smile and feel the love. I am going to take you on a journey to unbelievable places that your mind will want to see. November Rose is of a 16 year old girl that grows, learns, hates, loves, fights and enters into a world that she only can handle with her family. She finds out that she is not only immortal. Just remember we are all different in our own way. Our powers are within. Two bloodlines are stronger than one; Eternal destiny mythical children will be the strength of our two worlds. Rose and Ronnie’s children Adahy, Adsila have grown to be the mythical superior children into adults. They have gone on a great journey to Romania to find their mother that the Morti Vii had taken. They will fight for their mother’s life and their coven. They will kill to protect of whom they are and the humans used as food. You will grow as the family grows; you will meet new comers’ as they enter into the family and coven. You will feel the pain and sorrow .The happiness of a new world equal to ours. New births, new beginnings, A New blue moon. The magic of being human turn to vampire. You will learn that a vampire can live, feel as humans, cry, touch, love even though they are immortal. There are times you have to take a life to save a life. The understanding will come clear, but some will still from time to time come and try to kill and stop the existence of the powerful bloodline. The blood necklace becomes to be the family ties. The power within each and every one is known. A new shall become the ruler of all covens. Two bloodlines are stronger than one. Eternal Destiny Mythical Superior Strength Is the circle of our existence?

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