Hey everyone here is my pilot. The series as a whole definitely has some lore and is designed to be an epic. If anyone wants to see the pitch bible I have that as well, I guess just message me.
Thanks & Im excited for the next session!!!
- Tom K.
Hey Tom, I just found this link today. Thanks for sharing. I will work through this from the week ahead. I look forward to reading this. Regards, Neil.
Hi Tom, I have read your script just now. finished it. Is Motor Cycle man the protagonist I presume. What does that make Dick Fuel? Is he a supporting protagonist or does he reluctantly work with Kimono Moonchild. Do you have a character description sheet to go with this script. thank you, Neil.
Hey Neil here’s the pitch bible for the project. You may find some of the answers you maybe looking for.
It fully opens Tom :-)