Title: To Destroy His Honor Logline: A police officer suffers a serious downward spiral once he becomes the main target of a major reverse drug sting operation. Synopsis: The late 1980s brings about an evil force to dominate Kansas City, Missouri. These evil forces go deep into the core of daily inner-city life. Drug addiction, murder, unemployment, prostitution, and racism, they’re just some of the demons released to devour many of the inner-city inhabitants. Caught at the center of this sinister web is Phillip Figueroa. He is a KCPD officer who knows the streets well after growing up in one of Kansas City’s most notorious housing projects. Many of his life’s lessons were well-learned after witnessing some of the worst crimes in the housing projects. Phillip has a weakness as a police officer. He apprehends drug dealers for trafficking and then allows them to make a clean getaway. The drugs are confiscated and the dealers are never arrested. One of his childhood friends is the most notorious drug dealer in town. This same dealer sanctions several brutal murders after rival dealers have stolen some of his drugs and money. Phillip turns a blind eye and a deaf ear after learning that his childhood friend was behind the murders. A tough police chief prompts his department to start up an intense investigation. Many eyes are now closely watching Phillip. Phillip receives a decoy call at an apartment building in a drug-infested neighborhood. It is all part of a major reverse drug sting operation set up by the police department. Video cameras are installed inside the same apartment he has been called to. Phillip takes the bait and returns to the police division with none of the contraband. A government star witness whose family members were murdered on the orders of Phillip’s boyhood friend, testifies against Phillip and the dealer himself. Both are convicted and sentenced to ten years at the Federal Penitentiary. In this high octane urban thriller, learn how fast a one-time police officer had risen, and how fast he had fallen. Contact: Dewey B. Reynolds 3909 Kenwood Avenue, Apt. #23 Kansas City, Missouri 64110 Email: db44success@gmail.com Phone: 816-813-8280