Hey friends! Some of my very latest music is going to be a part of the West Village Musical Theatre Festival in New York, NY, from June 19th thru 29th! If you're interested in attending this festival, please purchase tickets in the name of our show, "Chasing Innocence, the Musical" -- we need to raise money through ticket sales or donations. Tickets can be purchased here: http://www.brownpapertickets.com/event/708446 If you're able to help us out by donating, I would be forever thankful! Just go to our indiegogo campaign page at https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/the-2014-west-village-musical-theatre... -- there is a place to mention the name of our show as the one you want to support. I've made great connections here from all over the world. Among them is my buddy, Glen Kinnaird, with whom I began this amazing journey creating a new work for musical theater. If any of you are willing to help make this happen for us, please consider attending this top-of-the-line workshop or contributing whatever you can. I think we have a good chance of winning this festival! Peace to you all, and thanks!!! Paul