Stage 32 is excited to partner with The European Union and the International Trade Center to bring Stage 32 Certification to Season 2 of OPPORTUNITIES ARE HERE - UGANDA, a TV series where tomorrow's filmmakers are discovered.
Registering for OPPORTUNITIES ARE HERE - UGANDA Season 2 comes with some of the most amazing benefits, including a chance to learn from @stage32 the largest online community connecting and educating creatives in the global entertainment industry. Don't miss your chance to get ahead of the curve.
'Opportunities Are Here’ is a project by @internationaltradecentre and @eu_delegation_in_uganda
@rbwalksintoabar @stage32scripts #OAHUganda #FilmIndustry #FilmUG #StorytellerUG #ActorUG#ScriptwriterUG #Uganda #OpportunitiesarehereUG #CreativeIndustries #YouthEmpowerment
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