Member Since:
March 2016
Last online:
> 2 weeks ago
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About Luigi

I have 6 years experience in writing music for short films, commercials, additional music for feature films. I won the X Jerry Goldsmith Award as Best Original Music for Advertising in 2015 with the music of the commercial "Every Single Moment".



  • Offer

    Offer (2015)
    Film by Raylene Jin (Drama, Family and Short) Composer Maggie (16) is a Chinese American raised by her single mother. This day, Maggie decides to visit Bill, her estranged father, and offers him the chance to come back to her life.

  • Nel Girone Invisibili

    Nel Girone Invisibili (2015)
    Film (short) by Gennaro Guariniello, Ilaria Tranfaglia, Wanda Luongo, Rossella Scialla (Drama) Music Composer Different stories of bored people will find a shared epilogue

  • Tap Coffee

    Tap Coffee (2015)
    Commercial by Diana Olifrova Music Composer Commercial for the Tap Coffee, placed in Soho, London

  • Fratelli Di Sangue

    Fratelli Di Sangue (2015)
    Film by Pietro Tamaro (Crime) Additional Music Composer

  • Memrise

    Memrise (2015)
    Commercial by Diana Olifrova Music Composer Commercial for the language learning app Memrise.

  • War's Sunrise (Tango Down)

    War's Sunrise (Tango Down) (2014 - 2015)
    Series by Rosalia Le Calze (Thriller and War) Music Composer

  • Raping Rouge

    Raping Rouge (2014)
    Film (short) by Lorenzo Monaco (Fantasy and Film-Noir) Music Composer A woman is followed by three man. When they are about to take her, something strange happens.

  • Every Single Moment

    Every Single Moment (2014)
    Commercial by Ashley Avis (Family and Romance) Music Composer "Every Single Moment" chronicles a love story between two people, from the man's perspective: from the first moment he saw her, or touched her fingertips. The first time he kissed her - or saw her curled up with a coffee cup. Watching airplanes go by from the beach. Finally finding a woman who's wanderlust matches his own. And at last - he books a trip around the world - to propose to her.

  • Be Folk

    Be Folk (2011)
    Film (short) by Carla Marcialis (Horror) Music Composer Rude boy wants to conquer the queen of a club. But it will not be the beginning of a love, but a battle. Filmed in Cagliari, Sardinia.

  • Specchio

    Specchio (2010)
    Film (short) by Matthew Maria Davies (Horror and Mystery) Music Composer A short based on a friend's story of an out-of-body experience. "Specchio" translates as "mirror."

  • "Ma tu non ce l'hai la mamma?"

    "Ma tu non ce l'hai la mamma?" (2010)
    Film (short) by Enrico Vanni (Family and Thriller) Music Composer A woman, while she is coming back home is followed by a man, he tries to rape her, but he will see something that let him go away.


  • Jerry Goldsmith Award (Advertising)

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