I am an actor trainer and director. I was born and raised in Sweden where I also started my career as an actress. I have trained at RADA, hold a MA in Actor Training and Coaching from Royal Central School of Speech and Drama, a B.Sc. in Education and a diploma in Applied Theatre. For over 20 years I have lived and worked in China, Morocco, India, Malaysia, and England which has enabled me to study and explore Asian, North African as well as European performing arts and training traditions. Over the years I have been directing plays, teaching and facilitating workshops for drama centres, universities and theatre companies around the globe. My experience from working with talented international theatre practitioners has given me the opportunity to create my own approach to directing and training. My research interest focuses on the actor’s stage presence and the embodied artistic process in educational context, professional development and in rehearsals.
Best Foreign Director (directing) - The Malta International Theatre Festival
Best Play of the month (directing) - Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
Best Play of the month (directing) - Kuala Lumpur Performing Arts Centre
Royal Central School of Speech and Drama
UMEÅ university