I'm Matt but my pen name is Matthew Kenneth Gray. It's a pleasure to be here.
I've been writing for a long time. Whether it's a song idea, scene, or script idea, the thing I find the most fun is I don't run out of them, they keep coming. It's my job to discern what ideas I like enough to chase them down and pinpoint the best angle for the story. The rest is up to the reader or the person I collaborate with.
I began with cartooning as a child and then noodled with expressing myself with poetry. I grew up in the Santa Cruz County area and in High School, I leaned to lyric writing as the way I most loved expressing myself. I spent hours and hours trying to write great songs but I found myself just being happy with what I was writing every step of the way no matter how much others wanted to change my lines or want me to "write better." I accept that kind of criticism from people who are co-writing with me, not people who are judging the lyrics and have no stake in the final product.
I am currently studying Digital Cinematography because I need more ways to be involved with creative people such as myself. Expanding into territory that honestly, I didn't think I'd get interested in but here I am, learning new skills that will somehow serve my original goal.
That's my story, and if you'd like me to be part of your team, I have plenty to offer you.
Unique traits: Insightful, Deep Thinker, Conversational, Fun-loving and Committed to Craft of Writing Songs.
by Various Projects
Co-Writer On Soundcloud, you'll see a variety of songs I've been involved in. This is to show my versatility and style. I'm open to writing in a few different genres from Country & Blues to Pop and even Americana/Folk.
Full Sail University
Trebas Institute of Recording Arts
Cabrillo College