Wickedly divine feminine by raga woods (work in progress) | Michael Moustafi

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Michael Moustafi


International Woman's Day, Glastonbury UK March 2012 Wickedly Divine Feminine is being called into this time through the sanction of the HERch of sacred blasphemy. This film is dedicated to the healing of deep spaces of sexual hurt that lie within our 'buttoned up' culture in Britain and Ireland. Many of us struggle to breathe freely and speak our pain and confusion. BUT many of us can experience soul medicine by gathering to laugh, cry and chant the most potent word in the English language. So sisters and brothers come together! A statement by women in time 'WIT' : 'We are working with respectful and gentle creativity in honour of older women. i.e. our crones and elders'. http://cunnycarnivalconcept.wordpress.com/

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