Addictions trailer2.mp4 | Matthew Marshall

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Matthew Marshall

Addictions Trailer2.mp4

"Addictions" follows the story of Kayla Butler (Jacqueline Peter) who would pass for the girl next door. However Kayla has a dark secret that most people don't know that is about to be fully exposed. As the production begins she enters in to face a Review Board to see what punishment she might receive for her brush with the law. Her secret will shatter the image that everyone has of her. Can one event in someone's life truly change it this much? This is what the production explores as Kayla tells her story of the events that have happened to lead her down this road and her journey at an addiction group program. There she is forced to face the recent events in her life that have lead to her being court ordered into the program. Through the program Kayla must now admit she has an addiction while learning to blend in with the group of people who all have their own demons of addiction, are at different stages of facing and dealing with them. Along the way she accepts Christ into her life and it changes her perspective. But it does not change the fact that she is facing criminal charges. Will she convince the Review Board that she has learned from her experience or will they feel that she needs to be punished for her actions. Her future lies in the hands of this Review Panel. Will she be set free or face more punishment? Could her ultimate fear come true… could Kayla be facing prison time for her actions? Kayla Butler - Jacqueline Peter Shannon Moreland - Brianna Popowczak Michelle Lambert - Stephanie Klassen Samantha Richardson- Sara Douglas Jaden Brooks - Bethany Mink Alisha Mason - Rya Walford Counsellor (Elizabeth) - Corina Leatherdale Board Member #1 - Fern Pridham Board Member #2 - Patti Muma-Cook Gregory Gordon - Bryce Jones Jessie Ridley - Chesney Sickle-Jarvis Officer - Larry Hicks Board Member #3 - Patricia Hicks Director - Matthew R. Marshall Production Manager - Stephanie Klassen Technical Director - Mohammed Essam Writer - Matthew R. Marshall Editor & Music - Mohammed Essam Fight Choreographer - Jacqueline Peter Assistant Director - Corina Leatherdale Producer - Matthew R. Marshall Executive Producer - Sharon Marshall IMDB Link - Vimeo on Demand -

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