This short film tells the story of aging professional wrestler Aaron Reese’s comeback attempt into the world of mixed martial arts (MMA). Aaron, played by Jon Smith (a former professional wrestler himself) is aided in his comeback attempt by his children — as well as his opponent in the exhibition match where Aaron will demonstrate his readiness for a return to competition. The event does not go well for Aaron — he is injured (again) and must now come to grips with his career coming to an end. Surrounded by his family, Aaron counts his blessings and is ready to start a new chapter in his life. The scenario for this short film was adapted from Jon Smith’s (largely autobiographical) script for a television pilot — also about a former professional wrestler’s story of “starting over” after being knocked out of his career. Mr. Smith’s children — Dustin, Deseray and Natasha are cast as Aaron's children in the film — they, supporting their dad’s effort as their characters support Aaron’s. Thank you for your time. Rick Brandt Director Copyright © 2014 Story by Jon Smith Production by Rick Brandt Music by their respective owners