The Available Wife, directed by Jamal Hill, is a romantic original feature written by Tressa Azarel Smallwood (BET's All In), Terayle Hill (Deuces) and Kyju...
James Moran writing showreel, featuring: Doctor Who Severance Crossing Lines Eve Spooks Torchwood Crusoe Primeval Spooks: Code 9 Torchwood: Children of Earth The Sparticle Mystery Tower Block Cockneys...
Demons, possessions, killers and more. Kris Serold likes to venture the middle ground between light and shadow, between science and superstition.
The Available Wife, directed by Jamal Hill, is a romantic original feature written by Tressa Azarel Smallwood (BET's All In), Terayle Hill (Deuces) and Kyju...