A thriller/horror short film written and directed by Pietro Cinieri with Maria Arismendi and Angelo Lotta.Produced by Sinossi FilmSound Engineer: Davide Bian...
Teaser Trailer for the feature film Trust, Greed, Bullets & Bourbon. A group of thieves reunite five years after a failed heist to determine what went wrong and who is to blame as they attempt to reco...
Inspired by true events, William Forsythe ("The Bronx Bull") plays a cunning ex-con with ties to the Mexican underworld who ensnares best friends, Walter Perez ("The Avengers") and Charley Koontz ("Ru...
A thriller/horror short film written and directed by Pietro Cinieri with Maria Arismendi and Angelo Lotta.Produced by Sinossi FilmSound Engineer: Davide Bian...