The gashlycrumb tinies musical - curt clendenin and edward gorey | Curt Clendenin

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Curt Clendenin

The GASHLYCRUMB TINIES Musical - Curt Clendenin and Edward Gorey

I intended on working with Edward Gorey, and then he passed away. I decided we could still collaborate between dimensions, so I glued his words onto some chords and before I knew it, I had a song tribute to "The Gashlycrumb Tinies". Many years passed before I edited this together, including his art from "The Gashlycrumb Tinies" book, other illustrations, in addition to a photograph of his "Dracula" stage play used as a backdrop! Gorey's own dialogue from an interview, is also woven into it. I have the pleasure of singing, playing guitar, animating, and editing the video.

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