B roll from 2023 lake macquarie test filming | Wayne Jarman

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Wayne Jarman


The importance of B Roll in Documentary work cannot be over-rated. A narrated sequence will require a visually pleasing image, no matter how tangentially related to the message. This is a test video for the early stages of our planned Documentary. It is simply B Roll, straight from the camera (mistakes and all - including pressing the wrong camera button and taking an unintended selfie), uploaded so that we can confirm the quality and look for areas of potential difficulty that will need to be overcome before we come to the final filming. WARNING: This is nine minutes of your life that you will not get back. The decision to watch is yours! (On the positive side: I have been told that it is a very relaxing, meditative nine minutes and that it brought back childhood memories of 'just messing about in boats'.) Enjoy!

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