Join me on my directorial journey: "who is sarah kane?" | Jared Lorenzo

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Jared Lorenzo

Join Me on My Directorial Journey: "Who is Sarah Kane?"

I’m excited to announce my directorial debut with "Who is Sarah Kane?", a unique theatrical project. With notable film and TV credits, I am stepping back into theatre to explore Sarah Kane's work from a director's perspective. Our debut production, "Phaedra's Love", will be presented by my company, Sooner Or Lady, at the ACUD Theatre in Berlin Mitte and the Altes Krematorium in Zurich. We need your support to bring this vision to life. "Who is Sarah Kane?" explores characters and themes from Kane's plays. As a black queer director in Berlin, I aim to create spaces for diverse voices, particularly BIPOC directors, in German and Swiss theatre. This project promotes intersectionality and empowers marginalized voices. We will captivate audiences with movement, voice, puppetry, and innovative stage design. Using Jane Drake Brody's techniques, we’ll delve into archetypes and myths to create a powerful performance. Rehearsals span two months, with shows in Berlin in November 2024, followed by Zurich and an extended Berlin run. Support us and learn more at the link below: Thank you for your support!

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