More fun, "What are you doing on Saturday? Interested in helping out on a student film?" I have a credit for Boom, Location Scout and PA here, but served in other support roles. I only worked a few hours, on the opening scene as seen from 0:09 to 0:30 I scouted and drove for the title sequence from :30 to :50 . A few hours total. Scout for the location seen at 8:54 to 8:58. My wife Tamara is credited with "Make-up artist" but she designed the arm decay make-up effect as seen from 0:00 through 0:30 then copied through the rest of the film.. A few stiff performances from the actresses and actors but a good effort overall kudos to the post-production special effects. Robin Javinett (a.k.a. Robert Javinet, Michael Matthews) is difficult to catch on audio. I have worked with him a number of times and always have to make special preparations to capture his lines. I do not know who was site recorder for those scenes.