Aakrosh is a Bollywood action-thriller film directed by Priyadarshan released on 15 October 2010. The three students, Gautam Sharma, Dhiresh Patel ** and Dinu were in Jhanjhar to celebrate Dusshera and were scheduled to return back to Delhi. Ramesh Jain, the student Union President, informs the media that the trio were arrested by Jhanjhar Police and since then their whereabouts are unknown. Jhanjhar Police deny that the students were ever there, and are hostile, compelling the CBI to bring in more agents. While differences crop up between investigative tactics of the two agents, upper Caste Hindus, aided by the police, target the fearful Dalits and lower-caste Hindus, brutally torturing them and setting their houses on fire. With the entire local community refusing to come forward ..