Event has ended New Mexico Film Foundation filmmakers Mixer

9 Attendees

Dirk Norris Dirk Norris Organizer
Jiji Hise Jiji Hise + 1 Guests
actor, costume designer, crew, makeup artist, voice artist
Karen M. Hudson Karen M. Hudson + 1 Guests
Karen Billard Karen Billard
costume designer, costumer, theatre director, wardrobe supervisor
Yvette Tapp Yvette Tapp
animator, art director, colorist, director, screenwriter, visual effects artist
Allan K Edgar Allan K Edgar
  Stage 32 Meetups present:

New Mexico Film Foundation filmmakers Mixer

Where: Rio Bravo Brewery
1912 Second St NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico
When: Saturday, June 27th
2:00PM -
Meetup Organizer
Created 10 years ago
Updated 10 years ago
About the meetup

TheNew Mexico Film Foundationis having our first Albuquerque Filmmaker Mixer in partnership with NewMexico Post Allianceand New Mexico Women in Filmat the new Rio Bravo Brewery. Come meet other New Mexico filmmakers, meet your Stage 32 friends in person, have a bite to eat, taste the Rio Bravo brews and get a tour of the brewery. This event is free to attend. Cash Bar. Free Food. Donations welcome.

Rio Bravo Brewery
1912 Second St NW
Albuquerque, New Mexico

(505) 877-8500

Jack Kolkmeyer

I'm a former Santa Fean now living in Delray Beach FL and wish you all a great meeting. Love Stage 32...everywhere!!!

Dirk Norris

Thanks for the good wishes.

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