Greetings folks, It has been a very busy month and I am trying to get the " meetup" in before the end of this month. I have been in California and Florida the last couple of weeks and have been involved in two movies in production. I had to pass up a gig in Austin this morning for HBO because of a late wrap up last night. I just couldn't make it. I will strive to get these jobs out to all of you in hopes that you may be able to show up for the work. This "meetup" will be the third get together of our group and I am getting more jobs to you guys in time to book the gig. If you can make the "meetup" please let me know as I will get them to set aside our usual place in the Cantina. Please feel free to bring a friend interested in our group. A lot of activity going on in the group and maybe they will need some of us to help in their projects. If you can't make this meetup, we will have another earlier next month around the 15th. Hope to see you there
First drink is on me...
What great photos! Hopefully some good collaborations came from this!