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A one-hour drama pilot for television. Dsngerous Company follows the exploits of a private security firm, Managed Risks, Inc. and the adventures of their ex-military, ex-intelligence operatives as they take on dangerous missions located through-out the world, all the while working for a group of shadowy "Higher Up's" whose only ambition is to take over the world. As self-described modern day "Illuminati", devotees of the philosophy of the French Enlightenment, these mysterious Higher-Up's cloak their ambitions of a New World Order, in seemingly benign fashion, through the activities of their global security firm. But as the opoertatinal arm of the new Illuminati, they are perched to spring their plans of replacing the governments of sovreign nations with one autocratic ruling body - based solely on science and reason, replacing old notions of tradition and superstition. As the series progresses, some of their operatives are targets for recruitment, while one in particular is singled out by other forces, hoping to stop the Illuminati, before they can spring their plans on an unsuspecting world. All the while, the operatives of Managed Risks put their lives on the line to successfully fulfill global missions, from kidnapping and ransom to espionage and private personal security, for which managed Risks has been contracted at a high price, by their clients.
This is a two-part pilot! Part I is the first half of the pilot and it can stand alone, on its own as the pilot, but the stories from Part I are mostly all resolved in Part II, with the ending of Part I being a cliff-hanger. Both parts are incluided here.