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By Suren Ter-Avakian

GENRE: Sci-fi, Comedy

A spaceship, moving at superluminal speed, tears away from reality; the astronauts and the objects around them become hideously distorted. Only love and mutual understanding can save the astronauts from a looming tragedy spawned by egotism and self-assurance.



It often happens that a man thinks only of himself, and the rest of the world becomes of secondary importance. A man’s thoughts and views are distorted by the prism of his ego. We see and mentally process this world as we would like it to be, as it is most convenient for us to accept. We reconstruct the world in our consciousness to fit into our needs. We convince our brains to engage in wishful thinking, deceiving ourselves in order to ease the burden of our conscience.

Love is the only thing that makes people hear the voices of their neighbors and to entertain doubts about their own rightness. Love forces us to think, and to think on a grander scale, rising above our ego and short-term gain.



Drop me a request, and I will send it to you

Mark Metz Wagner

Suren, brilliant story, but that's the strength and weakness. Hallucinations have rarely been used. I was so severely criticized for using them in "Girls Love Ecstasy." Hopefully, Lucas and Spielberg are correct that the studios are dangerously "imploding," and from the debris will emerge a new generation of filmmakers. Many, like yourself, are dedicated to producing high-quality features regarding the spiritual quest. So the theme becomes: We the People must share with love and heal our souls, not always destroy the world and kill with violence for profit. It would be fantastic if Studio32 should organize as a major one.

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Mark Metz Wagner

hi Mark, I am very pleased and flattered that you like my story. Thank you for your support! Soon (probably at the end of this year) I will place on my page the whole script and I hope you will find time to read it as well. Any of your note or comment for me is very important and welcome. Best wishes to you, Suren

Didier Euzet Composer

Amazing story ... I am very inspiring to write music if needed... Enjoy, Didier

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Didier Euzet Composer

Thanks Didier, I am very glad you liked the work. I hope that one day we can work together on this project

Didier Euzet Composer
@Didier Euzet Composer

stay in touch Suren... Warmest regards fr now, Didier

Amate Brian

Nice one,Sir.I wish you the best.

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Amate Brian

Thank you!

Daniel Berkey

This is a powerful metaphor for the re-assimilation into the world extant of a person or persons going through, then coming out of a psychotic experience or even schizophrenia. I find it curiously in synch with my own work. The personal world has changed and the people must now come to terms with their transformations, their own madnesses, so to be sane. The irony of recognizing ones' insanity is key to becoming sane. I know this journey well.

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Daniel Berkey

I am very pleased to hear such a precise definition of the meaning of one of the main aspects of this work. Thank you Daniel for the detailed and insightful analysis. I will be very glad if you'll also find time to read the screenplay, which I will publish on my Stage32 page before January 12, 2014 Your opinion will be very interesting for me. Best, Suren

Daniel Berkey
@Daniel Berkey

The process through which every person goes reflects very specifically archetypes and archetypal shifts. I'm very familiar with the psychology of C.G.Jung. I'm fascinated how you've woven these rather recondite concepts into a dramatic piece. I really cannot wait to see the full screenplay. My own personal journey through full blown schizophrenia into complete remission bore many elements of your story, so I'm more than merely intrigued by this project of yours.

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Daniel Berkey

Thanks, Daniel, I very glad to hear this. I'll let you know as soon as I'll get the version translated for English. I'll be very glad to continue discuss this project with you. Suren.

Will Champion

Intriguing concepts. You seem to have set-up a portal into other mind states and realities that serve to shock one into thinking about the universe (or multi-verse?) around us in a new and different way. It will be very interesting to see how your screenplay develops. Good writing, and good luck!-WC

Suren Ter-Avakian
@Will Champion

Thanks a lot, Will for your comment and good wishes! I am very pleased that you like the concept of the story and the synopsis. I hope I managed to convey this in the script. I will be very glad if you find time to read the script. I plan publish it on this page to the end of this week. Best, Suren

Will Champion
@Will Champion

Hi, Suren! Yep, intriguing synopsis. Looking forward to reading the full script when you make it available! Cordially, Will

Mark LaFever

Suren, this is a story very vividly told - I'm envisioning it as a movie, a little along the lines of EVENT HORIZON but potentially better in some ways. One thing I might suggest - don't explicitly lay out your message about the role and significance of love versus one's own subtle with that. Leave clues for the viewer to pick up on, but throw in some red herrings as well. The viewers who grasp your message will feel that much more engaged and rewarded for having had to figure it out. Meanwhile, you have some very exciting sci-fi action unfolding, so it's not as if viewers are gonna get bored. Just my 2 cents - I do think you have something pretty cool here.

Kenneth David Swenson

my impression too...let the words and how they will be expressed on the screen carry the sub-text, keep the dystopian and apocalyptic elements up front.

Beata Grushkovskaya

Hi, Suren! I'm here!

Suren Ter-Avakian

Hi Beata! Good to see you here

Suren Ter-Avakian

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Suren Ter-Avakian

“In the Reflection of Consciousness,” made it onto ScriptBook’s ( - an analytic agency that uses neural networks (AI) to evaluate screenplays for quality and potential) home page focus list (for 3 months Jan-April), "In the Spotlight" section as one of the most promising screenplays in the category of “Scripts with a wide audience reach.” ScriptBook predicts 50 territories with a receptive audience for this film. Audience satisfaction is predicted to be at least 74 points (up to 98).

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