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By Greg Rempel

GENRE: Thriller

A drug deal gone horribly wrong has claimed the lives of an innocent family. A disabled middle-aged man would seem to have no chance against these murderous thugs, but Ray McGovern has an advantage. He has nothing left to lose.


One morning, while at work, Ray McGovern is burned in a horrific electrical fire. His face and hands are so severely charred, that Ray is placed in an induced coma. 2 months later, when Ray awakens, he learns that he's lost 8 weeks of his life. And worse, during a home invasion, his family was murdered. For a devoted family man, the loss is too great to bear. So, when Ray is released from the hospital, he plans to end his life. But his brother-in-law, Danny, gives Ray a terrible reason to live. Danny confesses to Ray that a missing kilo of cocaine was the reason his family was killed. Danny confides that he knows the men who perpetrated this horrible crime and where they can be found. So, Ray sets out to even the score. Through some hard-nosed police work, the detectives are able to connect the dots from the home invasion and murder to Danny. Danny makes a run for it, but is apprehended. Ray is an average middle-aged father who hasn't done a push-up in 10 years. He's now a disabled man who can't even tie his own shoelaces. But revenge is a powerful fuel, and Ray begins the daunting task of hunting down the killers, one by one. He is a firm believer in the adage that you finish what you've started. The police detectives assigned to the investigation begin piecing the curious puzzle together, but it doesn't add up. Is it remotely possible that this middle-aged disabled man could track down those responsible for his loss and exterminate them one-by-one? The detectives have evidence linking Ray to at least one of the murders, but no one to corroborate the story. Both Ray≠s neighbor and his home care nurse have seen the evidence, but neither will testify against Ray, and so Ray is not charged. And true to his pledge of finishing what he has started, Ray waits 12 long years for his brother-in-law, Danny to be released from prison and true to his word, finally completes his mission. "3rd Degree" is a twisted, suspenseful ride through dark territory. It examines the true nature of vengeance and the terrible toll that violence takes on a human being. "3rd Degree" puts an original twist on the classic revenge story.

Greg Rempel

Optioned by InFocus Films March, 2015, eyeing a March, 2016 production start.

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