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We follow the birth and life of The Ascension Child; a Mortal born to two Vampires, as time slowly winds down to the Ascension of the Vampires in the 26th Century and their hopeful journey Home. Also a last ditch attempt for the global takeover by The Lycans and a prevention of the Ascension. Questions or inquiries should be sent to Although each is a separate story; those wishing to look at all three or at the very least in order, will be given more weight.
“…When I was born the world changed. Okay that sounded a bit too stand offish; when I was born the World of The Embraced changed. I am Audaiyne de Borinyone; the Ascension Child. Half the Vampire world wants to worship me, half of it wishes I was dead and buried, and crushed, and drawn, and quartered and stoned, and exsanguinated and eviscerated…well you get the idea. It wasn’t always this way; at one point I was a bubbly baby delivered to the de Borinyone in a park in San Francisco. Now I am in my twenties and hiding. I am sworn to help the Family and to act as the female half to the male Uberbeing; who you may have been introduced to earlier.
I am Mortal; as Mortal as they can get. Now how do you say is it possible for this; a Child of two Vampire parents? Well it happens, more with those who were changed as opposed to The Original 14. For you see this appearance you see of them; well the easiest way to describe it is like a suit of clothes or a skin. Just because you have the Vampire skin on doesn’t mean you can’t turn yourself inside out so to speak; and let the human poke through. But the energy cost is terrible; which is why most of them need a bar full of blood when they find themselves having to do so.
And from the start I wish to apologize for all the skipping about; as I write this; well I’m back home. All of this having been done and done. In this book you will, in a terribly disjointed way, learn about my life; and about the serious attempts to snuff it out as well as the last gasp from the Deity Sydney and her gang to prevent the Ascension. Also the important bits that relate to everything that one needs to do, and know, when one is closing the book on things. Thank you in advance for your patience…”
just an update about halfway through at this point so completion is still about a month or two away.....
part 7 has now morphed yet again into just an Epilogue...sometimes you just have to stop writing even if there is more in your head to be put down...
now work on the epilogue this week should still be wrapped up by the end of this month...
just did final blocking on the it's just a question of word to page...
story is complete and done with draft edits...only a few pagination issues have to be squared away between versions