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By Shawn Speake

GENRE: Action, Thriller

When his girlfriend dies from an overdose, a battle-scarred ex-Ranger leaves town for a rehab and winds up in a drug- fueled cult with no escape - KingsTown.


Summer 2010

ROMAN COKE, an alcoholic ex-Ranger back from Iraq, and girlfriend, SAM, the trailer-park princess from Florida, are smoking crack before they travel for work. Sam overdoses and dies. He leaves town anyway. In Pensacola, Florida, CAPTAIN FREESE watches Coke step off the bus and drop cocaine. The officer cuffs Coke when REVEREND KING, a preacher who will stop at nothing for his cause, offers Coke a chance to join King's faith-based therapy program. MISSION MEN in the program aren't allowed to leave the secluded former prison. They wouldn't want to. Nothing but trees, rivers, and hills in all directions.

Coke meets MISSION MEN: HOT SAUCE and SHAMUS, brothers from West Virginia, BARKO, a Mexican cartel type, TONY BOY and BUCKY, lovers from Miami, and CADENCE, King's daughter and right hand man. Coke learns homosexuality is frowned upon and work is all he'll be doing. Mission Men work for their 'recovery' but they're allowed to drink and do drugs daily. King uses therapy programs as personal labor. Building an empire where no one leaves - unless they disappear over night. Coke, Hot Sauce, and Shamus are playing basketball when Coke fights Barko. King disciplines men with Russian Roulette. Determined to leave now, Coke, Hot Sauce, Shamus, Tony Boy and Bucky, plan their escape at chow. One by one they pass out at their plates.

Coke and crew become conscious in a huge pit surrounded by Mission Men and piles of bowling bowl sized stones. King, Cadence, and her daughter overlook the pit. King orders Coke, Hot sauce, and Shamus, and Barko are guilty to be stoned for associating with homosexuals Tony Boy and Bucky. Mission Men on old wooden rafters cheer as stones pound pit, rafter snaps, barn collapses, killing Cadence. Coke, Hot Sauce and Shamus run to prison, steal a semi as King chases until they crash at a church. Coke and King go toe-to-toe as Sunday service lets out and Captain Freese arrives...

A month later, Coke, Hot Sauce, and Shamus drink Diet Coke watching the Pensacola Christmas parade from the boardwalk. Coke thinks of Sam. A reporter says, this could never happen again. Coke, Hot Sauce, and Shamus are captivated by a marching band. A drummer girl. It's Cadence's daughter. She looks their way and smiles.

Shawn Speake

Viewer Discretion - Language, Violence

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