Acting : ACTRESS FROM PARIS Looking for reviews about Ucla EXTENSION or Any good acting school in Los Angeles ! by Mehdya Fassi Fihri

Mehdya Fassi Fihri

ACTRESS FROM PARIS Looking for reviews about Ucla EXTENSION or Any good acting school in Los Angeles !

Hello I am Mehdya, Moving soon to California, I am wondering what are the good acting programms in Los Angeles ? I heard about Ucla Extension, does anyone already did that programm? I would love to hear about it ! Is it a complete programm? You can visit my website here: and follow me on twitter if you like, right now I am twitting everyday about my favourite movies :) @mehdyabe Cheers from Paris!

Ken Koh

USC is also very good.

Mehdya Fassi Fihri

thank you Ken Koh :) I will look if they have any extension programm there!

Katia Byram

well we keep in touch . Je suis de Paris aussi . Kisses. Je vais visiter ton site..

Marietta Carter-Narcisse

Hello Mehdya, I will be coming to Paris in December to teach makeup for film at the newly open Make Up For Ever Film & TV Academy.

Suzanne Bronson

Playhouse West in North Hollywood.

Robert David Graham

I took two screenwriting courses at UCLA Extension in 1990-1991 and both were excellent. I studied Film at Los Angeles City College Film department, and I found it to be a very good department. I have a friend who teaches Film at Santa Monica City College, he taught Film at UCLA for at least 10 years. They're all great.

Andrea Geones

The Beverly Hills Playhouse. I would try to stay away from colleges-- they're very expensive and not as good as a year-round acting class such as the Beverly Hills Playhouse.

Suzanne Bronson

On that note, I Glendale Playhouse -if you are interested in theater- has an internship program where you pay for the classes, but you get cast in the plays and earn your Equity points.

Akemi K. Tosto

I can tell you that UCLA Ext is great but very VERY pricey...

Mehdya Fassi Fihri

Finally we are going to New york city !! thanks for your comments, I ll keep good advices anyway.

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